Wednesday 13 April 2016

Broken Promises May Break Engagement Vows.

When it's over, it's over, there's no need to fight over it. Move on and find the one that loves you for just who you are, and that falls within your lifestyle, needs and wants. Note these:
1.) Do not make promises you can't meet up with.

2.) Never pretend to be whom you are not.

3.) Don't promise when under pressure.

4.) Never promise for 'sex's sake'.

5.) Don't go beyond your means.

6.) It's always good to brand and rebrand one's self, but know where to stop not to deceive yourself and others.

7.) There must be common grounds that keep two people in a relationship together, when those are missing, just know all is lost.

8.) You must be there to see to the success of one another, if this is missing from one party, then there's nothing to celebrate in a relationship.

9.) Don't get even in planning to revenge, when you revenge the relationship is dead.

10.) Love can't be an obligation (Don't be obliged).

11.) One of the intensity of love is vulnerability, we all go through that at least once in our lifetime; but must know how to manage it.

12.) It's tough to let go, but it prolongs your agony, because they are not the same person you fell in love with.

13.) It's a habit and not love when someone treats you without adequate respect.

14.) There must be no competition in real love, when there is, then, forget it; it must be a common interest always.

Not to fall in love is an empty life, but fall in love with the right person; don't get married just to be addressed as a married person. Marry for love and compatibility, so that the togetherness will last forever, or at least for a very very long time.

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