Sunday 9 April 2017

I Appreciate Your Labour of Love

"I appreciate your labour of love; God bless you richly". When I received this message from my man, I responded with a "Thanks". It was a spontaneous response, I was glad but the real and deep meaning of it didn't dawn on me until the following day.

It's a blessing when your partner appreciates your efforts and genuineness. I'm glad, he knows our togetherness is not based on any other thing than love. The reason is love, real love. I do all not for anything in return, but to show my love, respect and support him and people around him. When a man is humble, loving and attentive despite his wealth, societal prestige, power and influence; there's nothing more to do than show him maximum respect, that he deserves.

I'm sure his love for me is pure love and no ulterior motives attached. We all love each individual for some other reasons than love; it could be physical appearance, character, smiles, etc...Yes, we all do, but the primary reason must be love, for it to last.

We can all grow in love each day and be loyal and faithful, especially when you see love, respect and care.

Don't mess with others' mind.
Let the reason be love!

Thanks babe for getting the best out of me, for loving me and for letting me love you conscientiously.

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