Thursday 31 January 2019

You Can't Know Anyone In Totality

As much as we have bad people out there, there are some good people out there too, sure.  Either good or bad, they only show the part they want you to know, or relate with you within the relationship category you are with them, so you can't know anyone in totality.

To know anyone in totality, you must have had sex with them as partner, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, fiancée, corrival. Okay, also in relationships as friend, twin, brother, sister, mother, father, in-law, step-sibling, cousin, auntie, uncle, step-parent, daughter, son, workmate, schoolmate, boss, subordinate, business partner, client/customer, mistress, master etcetera.

Inasmuch it's not possible to be all of the above to an individual, then, you can never know anyone in totality.

Does he/she keeps to promises, are they loyal. Yes, might keep promises with you as a sister, but not as a political or business partner. So, as a sister you know what you know, you don't know his dealing with his subordinates, wives, business partners. You see, only what you can see, so don't burn your fingers for some people, they might be more dangerous than you think. Lives don't matter to some people at all. Your health doesn't matter, your growth is trifling to them; it's all about them, them and them.

So, when you are talking be diplomatic not to attack anyone because of others, be sure first. If you can, try to see both sides with good heart and reasoning. In whatever we do, let's be pure at heart.

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