Monday 22 April 2019

Miss Black Europe International Scholarship Pageant Update: An End of a Department

After dealing in beauty, fashion, beauty pageant and charity for eleven years and seventeen years respectively; we've decided to continue with our main activities, we've incorporated new ones and stopped a couple for worthy reasons.

Throughout these meaningful years we’ve been coaching and serving our community in love and light by impacting people in their professional life and general wellbeing - giving them the key to the door of success by MBE (Mentoring, branding and empowering).

* We shall continue with the award ceremony - showcasing and honouring those that are doing their best in giving back to humanity. ✅

* We shall continue with charity work. ✅

* We shall continue with fashion and beauty display, when need be. ✅

* We have decided to stop the beauty pageant ❌ but, we shall continue to give counsel to those who need it. It's time to say goodbye to beauty contest - our passion remains, as our love for those who are still in the field will continue.

* The activities we incorporated will bring light, fulfilment, peace and harmony into our lives, individually and collectively - knowing and believing that we will always impact humanity positively.

We thank everyone that has been part of our success story, without you there's no us. 🙌
- MBE Team.

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