Thursday 5 May 2016

Married or Unmarried

Be happy if you are married, also be happy if you are unmarried. If you wish to get married, work towards it and be well prepared, remember it will no longer be just about you. If you are in an unhealthy marriage and it's life threatening and seems not taking you to greatness or success; be bold enough to walk away, walking away doesn't make you are weak person or impatient person. It means you're taking happiness and stability of mind into consideration by you. We live once and must be well done.
Marriage could be very sweet if you are with the right partner, with same goal and aspirations in life. Marriage doesn't define who you are, but might add to your happiness if you are lucky with a sweet partner. 

Marriage is associated with security and partnership; if you are not gaining a solid, worthy partnership and security, if these are missing, then, it loses the meaning of togetherness. If you are not securely attached to your spouse, then, it's not what marriage is all about. Your spouse should compliment you, add value to your existence, support you and your vision. The two people in marriage must be ready and willing to do this. There must be a common goal in a marriage for it to work, selflessness must be applied for both spouses to be happy together. Purity and openness of heart are essential tools to carry along into a marriage.

Good marriage gives healthy living, happiness, security, and longevity; if you are not promised these in your marriage, then, I do not know the definition of you being married.

If you are not married and you are happy being unmarried, then be happy, if you are not happy being unmarried, find a solution. If you are happily married, be happy, if you are unhappily married, find a solution. After all, your happiness is mainly determined by you and the choices you make. Atimes we often get it wrong in our choices, but we can always make a redress.

Don't rush into marriage just for the sake of being married, and don't rush out when you are not sure yet.  Define, describe and analyse all, then you take a good step. Remember...nobody's perfect, but we can try to be, especially in our personal decision making that may affect our lives and living.

Be happy and stay happy; that's the essence of life.

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