Sunday 29 January 2017

We Tend To Get It Wrong: Money Gives Enjoyment, But Not Happiness.

I called a pal of mine just to check on him. I greeted him with a hello, he answered with a very low voice, then I asked, "what's going on? Seems you are not fine". He started laughing, "I'm bored" he replied. I started laughing, he joined me. Then, I said to him, "I'm happy I made you laugh, at least you are a lot better now that how your voice was when you answered the phone". He giggled.

At this time, I succeeded in brightening up his afternoon a bit. He launched me into a conversation, talking about work, money, happiness and more. As soon as he said, money gives happiness, I replied with a NO, he argued saying, money does give happiness.

Yes, he might be right in some ways, but I later convinced him that such happiness is talking about is 'enjoyment' and not the real happiness. The happiness I'm talking about is a permanent one, that comes from within, and does give inner peace, inner strength and the joy to carry on each day. Yes, with money you can enjoy, have good fun, seems like one is high on something, a temporary one it could be at times.

He sighed and replied, "Sola, you are right". It was nice to know that he got the point, and also, I got him laugh and let him know how to find the real happiness and not enjoyment that doesn't last long in most cases.

Yes! Enjoyment might go with happiness. Search for that thing that gives you inner peace that generates permanent whereby money is not the 'main goal'.  Let's see to that, let's stay happy, not the 'plastic surgery' kind of happiness.

Money gives 100% enjoyment but it doesn't guarantee happiness. So money doesn't give happiness rather it gives enjoyment.

My happiness is as a result of my inner peace, kindness, respect for others, contentment and submissiveness.

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