Wednesday 10 October 2018

Don't Underestimate Them: There Are Still Women Of Honour Out There.

1. Believe it, it's not all women will sleep with you because you want to sponsor their event or any other project.

2. Not all will sleep with you because you are in power (position of authority and influence).

3. Trust me, not all will sleep with you because of empty promises.

4. Be assured that not all will sleep with you because you're a royalty.

5. Not all will sleep with you because you are a lawmaker or with a prestigious appointment. 

6. Not all will accept your lies and sleep with you because of your fame and riches.

7. Not all will sleep with you because you are a big time businessman.

8. Not all will sleep with you because of one simple assistance or favour which she can equally give to you ten times.

9. Get it right not all will open their 'down below' for you because of your beautiful cars or houses that are acquired from our commonwealth.

10. Not all will sleep with you because of your profession or background.

If the chemistry is not there, it's not; even if she sleeps with you overnight on the same bed, you'll never see or touch 'those things' (the one down and those up).

You said, "No woman has ever said, 'no' to me" ... Well, there are many that will say NO to you and stand by it, especially, when you do not meet the criteria of decency and you lack manners. Remember, it is not just about money and societal prestige. She said NO to you, take it like that, and live with it. She only wants to be your friend and not a sex mate, if that doesn't go well with you, you don't have to plan evil against her, go your own sweet way and she'll go her own dear way. Some people are naturally protected by God, and you need to be very careful in thinking evil against them.

What you think is a big deal to you, might not be to her, because she can get all those things by herself; yes, she can by herself, just like you. She got it, I'm sure you know.

As much as she's not saying she's a saint, because no one is; but, for sure, she's got class, taste and she's decent... she can make her own choice. Also, her spirit dictates to her who to 'be with' and not to. Evil can not penetrate goodness, wickedness can never overpower a person with a pure heart. It won't work.

When a lady refused to share that private treasure of hers with you, don't go and plan to destroy her. Remember you have your own daughters, sisters, nieces, mother, wife or wives... think about it, the world goes in circles. Be of good heart and submit to goodness.

Don't intimidate anyone to believe in your views, likes, wants, that's your own journey... if they don't believe in your views and they don't accept your ways; you don't have to plan to rape, kill or destroy them.

Don't be evil. Rebrand yourself and be at peace with yourself and all humans.

* As for women that do not know this nor have this knowledge; please know that, it's not all that glitters are gold, not all with big names have big, clean and inspiring character. Get closer if you can and see the truth; well, when getting close, play safe...there's a saying, 'to dine with the devil, you need a long spoon'. Be on the alert!

* As for the men that respect and cherish women and do what they need to do without anything in return, but just a heart of kindness to humanity, keep it! Don't stop! We respect you and prosperity will be in your favour.

* Think about it, how many men does a woman need to sleep with before she gets things done? That will be a hell load of 'sleeping' here and there... oh! Lord have mercy. Things can always happen between a man and a woman if both consent to it, but not by intimidation or any kind of abuse or fooling around. It must be by mutual consent and free will. Simple.

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